Redcliffe College launches new MA in Bible and Mission

I’m really excited to announce a new postgraduate MA in Bible and Mission that is being launched at Redcliffe College, ready for September 2010. This has been one of my projects over the last couple of years and it is now going through the validation process with the University of Gloucestershire.

I’ve reproduced the MA in Bible and Mission course page from Redcliffe’s website below. A few aspects are worth highlighting. Firstly, the course is being developed in partnership with mission agencies. Among them, Wycliffe Bible Translators and Bible Society have been particularly involved. Secondly, the course will seek to bridge missiology and Biblical studies in an integrated way. Thirdly, it aims to help students reflect on the Bible missionally, and mission biblically. There will be a key emphasis on missional hermeneutics and it also reflects on the Bible as a tool of mission as well as a record and phenomenon of mission.

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With the increasing complexity of the Church’s mission in the world, clear and deep biblical reflection is essential. Not only should God’s people have a firm grasp of how mission fits into the Scriptures, we should also be confident and competent in using the Bible to engage missionally in a variety of cultural contexts.

Redcliffe’s MA in Bible and Mission enables students to explore mission in the Bible and the Bible in mission thinking and practice. It is being developed in partnership with various agencies including Wycliffe Bible Translators and Bible Society, both of whom will also be involved in the ongoing content of the course.

Students complete three required modules and choose one further module.

Method and Content in Missiological Study: Develop your competence in research methods at postgraduate level and gain an overview of Missiology.

Reading the Bible Missionally: Enhance your understanding of the Bible and mission by applying a ‘missional hermeneutic’ to the Scriptures.

Bible Engagement in Intercultural Contexts: Explore and evaluate different approaches to using the Bible in different cultural contexts, both in the ‘West’ and in the majority world.

Optional choice modules may include:
The Mission of the Church in the Context of Post-colonialism and Globalisation;
Crucial Issues in Asian Mission and Theology;
Crucial Issues in European Mission and Theology;
An Introduction to Global Leadership;
The Greening of Mission.

Studying part time over two years…
Studying the MA part time allows you to study exactly the same curriculum as the full time qualification. The compulsory modules are studied during the first year. The second year includes the optional modules and completion of the dissertation.

Studying the ‘flexible learning mode’ option…
This distance learning style course is ideal for mission practitioners working overseas or on home assignment, international students, and those who are unable to spend an extended period of time away from the workplace or home.

Visit Flexible Learning Mode MA to discover more.

So What Next?
We hope you have found this information helpful. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Here are a few links that may be helpful to you right now…